Tuesday, January 24, 2012


salt and spikes
spiky shoes
rockabilly blues
emo is news
but that's just how i feel
pretty boy floyd
spiking, grooving, bodies moving
crunch, crunch, crunch
We can time it
To the minute
stare out a window
at evaporating shadows
forming fixtures
take a picture
light posts and salt grains
chewing on leather
soles and the souless
chewed, bitten, now biting
a winter that's air
a winter that's there
no Photoshop
make for the best pictures
but please add some filters
an eye and some film
and some magic
(smile less,
speak less,
big eyes,
cheeks in,
mouth open,
hair down,
tilt left but tilt right,
but head down,
now chin up,
now sit tight)
click, click, click,
yah that
(grow up baby/it's beautiful/just like you)
it's the latest accessory
like the scarf 'round your neck
like the hat on your head
and fingertips
poking out from
those fingerless
the winter wind biting
salt chewing
feet fighting
not to trip
loose shoe
those soleless soled shoes you
haven't gotten used to
exhaust spew
street lights stream
and steam
from glossy sewers
artificial warmth from the trains below and bodies moving
to and fro
And you can hear the snow
Sounds muffled, feets shuffled
As flakes fall
We can time it
To the minute
Fall, fall, fall
Except "snowflakes", they say, "don't make no sound at all"
But they do, and they do
Everything does
and if you thought you heard buzzing
in your ears
it's about to get a lot louder, my dears

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