Wednesday, August 24, 2011


*these are never about anyone

.step on and in and over...
no turn left unstoned,
what does she do different when she knows people are watching?
That's what happened!
i remember now, my dream,
where my tattoo faded,
and my forehead was braided
in the middle,
never to be flat again..
what does she do different when she knows people are watching?
think about your present actions
not because they will determine your future,
but more because they will make up your past.
passed, past...nearly , barely,
what does she do different when she knows people are watching?
whoever thought about what they were doing,
were bound to screw it up,
thinking too much,
drinking too much,
smoking too much,
having too much...
if we all used just enough,
think how different things might be,
strings...clips...lids....taps....keys...particles...dry mouth....wet out/white out
there might be things left over
maybe even to share
you know, like ..
water, food, toilet paper, clothes, books and lipstick...
yah, maybe it's just a pipe dream..
what does she do different when she knows people are watching?
Face pretty, head too
full of ideas with no substance,
all the places she used to go, and
the people she used to know, had
gone or closed,
but both could be either,
what does she do different when she knows people are watching?
and because she was beautiful, they didn't expect much,
they forgot she could werk
i have brown hair, i dye it brown, i don't know why, i have a lot of shoes
her friends caused her pain,
in her cheeks,
........from laughing so hard........
what does she do different when she knows people are watching?
peeping her pretty reflection
as the lights pass
show me some tits,
back up that ass
good time on a dime,
puff that miss
don't forget to pass,
what does she do,
and don't forget your past,
when she knows,
but don't think about it,
they aren't
don't think about anything...

what does she do different when she knows people are watching?
what does she do different when she knows people aren't watching?

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