Thursday, September 29, 2011


She would do anything for him,
But he, for her, would not.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


 I never want to get old. But some days I feel like dying...

Watch the 10 part "Time Capsule" by Steven Klein

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Fake it till you make it
But if you don't make it
Stop faking it
Cause then you just look like an asshole.


**this makes me happy**

Tennessee Williams vs. Dan MacIvor 

WILLIAMS: I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers
MACIVOR: I’ve always depended on all kinds of strangers. 

W: We have to distrust each other. It is our only defence against betrayal.
M: We have to distrust ourselves. It’s where betrayal truly begins. 

W: Sometimes there’s God so quickly.
M: It might take forever, but sometimes there’s Art. 

W: Blow out your candles, for today the world is lit by lightning.
M: Sometimes the daylight is unnecessary. 

W: All good art is an indiscretion.
M: All good art poses a question. 

W: Make voyages, attempt them. There’s nothing else.
M: Taxi!!

W: Mendacity is a system that we live in. Liquor is one way out an’ death’s the other.
M: There may be truth in wine, but there is reality in the hangover.  

W: Time, who could beat it, who could defeat it ever?
M: Imagination obliterates time.

W: Why did I write? Because I found life unsatisfactory.
M: Why do I write? Because I have to.

W: We’ve had this date with each other from the beginning!
M: Thanks for answering my ad, sorry it didn’t work out.


They lined up, feeling fame was
their right 
and right
around the corner
for them.
And the worst part about it was,
the whole generation was sold the dream,
A chance at a famous fifteen
minutes -
and they ate it up like hotcakes
what had ever happened to embarrassment, humility, hard work, and failure, and dusting yourself off, and sweat,
and substance -
what had happened to substance?
'my last chance' they say,
'my last chance',
did they forget? things take time?
maybe they were never told...
if it doesn't work out, work more.
if it still doesn't work out, move on.
if this is the American dream,
I don't want it..

* you know, i've never actually tried a hotcake, but I would like to someday see all the fuss is about ...-

Thursday, September 15, 2011


trying to keep the sanity
it's insanity
no love in this town
where i ask is the humanity?
no time to study that pointless drap
we need something to make us cash
hang out at bars,  shoo the flies away
gotta be up early so i can sleep all day
let me take a look at your credentials
loosing the belief in my potential
make a girl go mental
ease the pain
play the game
and day by day
it's all the same
sex tape power
internet fame
not interested enough to ask you a question
don't mistake this please, for bloated pretension
then every year turn turn and it's nothing how it used to be
give me fun, sense, balance, a little sprinkle of simplicity
you make me uncomfortable
come closer
come closer

*this poem kind of looks like a gun*

Friday, September 9, 2011


Be young
Rot my Brian
Double gins and cocaine
Nose bleeds
Baby can't feed
My appetite
It's too big
You're too trite
Don't confuse my dreamy eyes for sadness
Cause all that's in my head is happy madness
Sip spit chew swallow
We are parts of the people we follow
And they are parts of you
How will you lead it
Will you lead it
Need greed 
Lushy lust
Squish my bones
Til they turn to gold
Til I'm a star
Crush crush til i'm dust dust
You think I'm something I'm not
And that's just cool with me